Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Made with Love, Paid with Pennies has almost 2,000 views in just over a month! I have made it on to pinterest, and I have even gotten several requests to help people decorate their home or apartment!  I am so happy that you guys are enjoying my posts, I really love sharing my tips, tricks, and random thoughts with you all-- we should get to know each other better...I think I owe it to you!

Here are some ABC questions and answers.  I got this idea from one of my favorite blogs, em=me.
Age: 24- my friend Annie calls me a spring chicken
Bedsize: queen.
Chores that you hate: none really. I know this sounds strange, but I love a clean apartment more than I hate doing the chores to have one
Dogs:  nope. I do have a cat named Kemba....if you are wondering if she is named after Kemba Walker the answer is yes. When I get a dog it will be a pomsky and his/her name will be Calhoun- go UConn!
Essential start to your day: Weekday- a long run. Weekend-coffee on my porch.
Favorite color: depends...For a car, red. For a wall, grey. But if I had to pick an all time favorite it would have to be turquoise 
Gold or Silver:  I'm kind of partial to gold lately.
Height: 5 feet/3 inches...I am a short spring chicken
Instruments you play: the radio- I love music but cannot create it.
Job title: Financial Analyst.
Kids: one day.
Live: Charlotte, NC.
Mother's Name: Catherine...which is my middle name
Nicknames: Jen, Jenna Benna,Jenny (only my mom), Sissy (my sister, go figure) Boopernoodle (my dad- don't ask because I don't know why), Seven (my brother in-law- You can ask about this one)
Overnight hospital stays: Not Once.
Pet peeves: When someone raises one eyebrow. When people chew with their mouth open.
Quote from a movie or tv show:  "you had me at hello"
Right or Lefty:  Righty.
Siblings: I have an older sister (Sissy to me, Alyssa to others)
Time you wake up:  Usually somewhere around 6:30.
Underwear:  Yes?
Vegetable you hate:  Raw Mushrooms- I don't hate them, but I wouldn't pick em.
What makes you run late: Having too much time to get ready. I tend to lolly gag. Or blogging in the AM... like I am doing right now.
X-Rays You've Had:  my knee, my teeth.
Yummy food you make: lasagna
Zoo Animal:  Orangutans.

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